Hello, I'm CabbageCollector!

*** Yo most this stuff I made in ms paint and a mouse cause I aint bouta whip out my drawing tablet and krita atm :3

Art! (Coming Coon)

Monster-Bate, a Bang-a-long Series!

Zargon Zoon

Programming Projects!





About Me!

Site Map!

Quick Thought:

What I love about neocities is how much I get to explore others lives, creativity, passion, just overall "Wow this a really cool person" and even though they don't know it, I think a lot of people think they are cool, or look up to them, or are loved. I'm Grateful to be able to see so much passion and love from people. I absolutely love seeing just "a human experience" - I love seeing people just be people - Neocities is a great place to do it.

What I am saying is... Thanks for being here! I appreciate you. - I hope you like my stuff!


  • EACH PLACE IS A PLANET AND I HAVE A "capts log" arm thing and it tells you what planet that would be and stuff!!!
  • Rocket ship anim onClick
  • solar system of me! The sun would be "about me"
  • I could write 2 eulogies, one of me now and one of me dying in the future as the person I want to be

  • Updates
  • 12/5/24
    • Changing the way I go about making this site
  • 11/26/24
    • all base icons done